Mum and daughter – smiles and sunglasses
How we started Nordic walking
Mum and I were sitting in Page Park after doing about an hour of walking when we were approached by a very polite lady (Catalina from Friends of Page Park) who asked if we would be interested in Nordic Walking here in Page Park. We both looked at each other and thought: What’s Nordic Walking? We knew it involved poles. During the conversation I turned to mum and said, “why don’t we give it a go, we already do our walking, let’s try something new!” and so we did.
Why and how we continued
We both told ourselves we’ll try the taster session (at Page Park) and if we don’t like it, at least we gave it a go! Turns out we did like it. It get’s you ready for the rest of your day. You feel energized, motivated and you’re also getting the benefits of being out in nature (which I love). It’s great for your circulation and breathing also.
We signed up to the free 8 week beginner’s course and are now continuing on the regular, weekly subsidised lessons at Page Park. It’s become a part of our weekly routine now: we get to Nordic walk and talk with each other and other members. Anything that improves our health is always a positive. We also wanted to try something different and step out of our comfort zone. Whether rain or shine, hot or cold, we wanted to break the mould, and become familiar with the unfamiliar.
Three words to describe Nordic walking with Let’s Walk Bristol
Welcoming – Beneficial – Motivating
Our words to others
Try something new that’s great for your physical and mental health. It’s a great way to socialise also!
Leonie (daughter) and Iona (mother) 🙂