Taster for men of the Bangladesh Association Group Nordic walking Some of our Nordic walking instructor team Page Park - Michael, Subitha and Fred with some of our Page Park group Smiling Zahara Let's Walk Bristol Team and students Lucille explaining poles and straps Women's Eastville Park class Happy end of walk stretches Henrietta and Chinese students Subitha and Surinder Nordic walking How was it for you? Student feedback Warm up with smiles Bristol Pride Nordic walking taster Nordic walking - it's all about community Warm up rotate exercise Eastville Park Nordic walking group Henrietta and her four legged friend Long view Sunny Nordic walk in Hijab Subitha helps with pole straps Nordic walking group Certificate of achievement Our beautiful bright and colourful Nordic walking Instructor jackets Nordic walking group Lucille in Stoke Park with Saturday Nordic walkers Our first Nordic walking graduates! Let's Nordic Walk Bristol Nordic walking taster for Cycling Sisters, Some of our Instructor Team Enjoying experiencing snow Nordic walking Our new Let's Walk Bristol instructors Nordic Walking Group Eastville Park Tree expert Gundula with Fahina, on our Eastville Park Nordic walking tree walk Admiring trees in Eastville Park Lime tree in Eastville Park 3 words for Nordic walking with us Page Park end of beginner course social Nordic walking 'trains' drill Bowling in Eastville Park as part of our World Nordic walking celebration day Eastville Park Friday group We found a hill in Page Park! Load More How can I learn? We offer free Nordic walking courses and low cost Nordic walking classes and beginner workshops. Find out what we offer